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A return to coding, being creative, and making stuff.


Hi, I'm Kellee. And this will be where I'll be writing about brushing up on javaScript, learning what's changed since the last time I had to write shippable code, and getting back to creating work that sits at the intersection of art and code. For the last year and a half, I've been teaching Studio and Thesis classes for Parsons Design and Technology department, and I'm biased, but I've had some of the most creative folks in my classes.

They've inspired me to actually do the thing I'm always telling them to do. Get out of your head and make the thing. Doesn't matter if it's where you want in the end, you're always going to be refining and polishing your work. So 2025 is going to be the year of self improvement (one day I'll hopefully have a normal sleep schedule), creating & posting things no matter if I think they're good or not, and finding new ways to tell stories that matter. And who knows, maybe this'll be the year that I finally learn Python.

A Black woman in a yellow chair next to a python book, a macbook on her lap, and her hands on the keys
photo credit

To breaking it all down.

Self Improvement

This is something that I'm always struggling with.

Taking care of others? Check.

Being a sounding board and/or listening ear? Check.

Being my friends hype man and biggest fan? Check.

Taking care of myself? Not so much.

So, things that I've been working on are moving more, actively working out (Peleton's gotta be more than a bag rack), taking care of my body & getting doctor appointments in. My sleep schedule is still awful, but it's a work in progress. The goal for January is getting back on a schedule as if I'm working a nine to five, hopefully getting out of the apartment more days than not.  I've been going to galleries and museums more, and that's been so good.

Getting back to being a developer

The last time I had to write shippable code was 2017. Last time I was coding regularly? Grad school five years ago. My last full time job was as a customer success manager and I enjoy doing that, but I'm also interested in being more technical again. Perhaps combining both of my interests into a customer success engineer? Or a TPM role? Regardless, it's been fun getting back into the swing of things and working on some Coursera certs.

The main point of this blog is to be a devlog. A living document of my processes, achievements, opportunities for growth, and things I find interesting. It's also a way of keeping myself accountable while giving me a place for me to see how far I've come.

Creating, posting, iterating, and storytelling

I'm thinking about doing a 30 days of code to get in the habit of coding something outside of the work I'm doing for the Coursera course or eventually (gulp) LeetCode. I don't know that I'll set up a seperate instagram (a la ITP) in addition to this blog, but they'll be posted here. Keeping a grad school blog for classes was helpful, and I'm hoping this will be as well. Storytelling has always been something I'm passionate about (ex thesis) and finding ways to tell the stories that matter through technology is something I'm excited to get back to.

So, if you've made it this far, thanks for reading, and hopefully you'll be back.

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